Sunday, April 20, 2014

Planning for Personal Digital Learning/Blended Learning

How do you prepare for something so important? 

Well, the answer to this question is broad depending upon your goals and how far reaching your digital content will be. For example, will your school begin with a grade level, with just one content area, or will everyone begin at the same time? This is important with regards to your training schedule to prepare your faculty in advance. Also, have you selected a committee to meet with a variety of successful vendors to provide your digital content? Do you have a solid figure regarding the budget allowance for this as the super vendors will cost more than many people might realize. Don't forget to budget and select protective coverings for the devices as well.

It is important to get everyone on board in this process. For example, several community leaders and parent meetings will need to be held at various times so that the process and your reasoning for moving in this direction is explained. Get the technology devices in the hands of your teachers as soon as possible to use during training times. Then, gradually assign the devices for them to have in the classrooms and to carry home with them. Training should occur as much as possible during the school day, or if it must happen outside of the regularly scheduled day, then include food and some type of stipend (even if it is small) to show that you appreciate their efforts.

After learning how to use the devices, then teachers need to begin designing lessons and practicing those within the training times. This should be a fun, non-judgmental time. Along with this, faculty and administration need to devise procedures for where/how the devices will be charged and signed to students specifically. Paperwork will need to be devised and approved by the school district legal counsel regarding parental permission. 

The IT Department should be closely involved in this process as well as being in contact with either Apple or Microsoft to be sure this process progresses smoothly.  Also, this is certainly up for discussion within varying schools and districts; however, the schools that are the most successful with this process have hired and implemented a person to work within the building that can troubleshoot, process work orders, assist teachers with setting up for testing on devices, go to classrooms and assist with the devices as well as provide intense training with technology skills and new ways of integrating technology in the classrooms as this evolves.

Obviously, this is just a beginning, kind of ground floor, suggestion with the implementation of a successful Blended Learning/Individual Learning program that will drastically improve test scores--even for learners that many doubt can be done.  The process requires a visionary leader who truly has the best interests of her/his students in focus. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please feel free to email me at: or contact me on twitter @techthinkerchic. 

Nora Hickman
Horry County Schools
Whittemore Park Middle
Information Technology Coach
(Trainer, Tech Troubleshooter, Integration of Technology)